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when this Pokémon flies, snow will fall

Welcome to whitenoise snowfall, a fanlisting for the Pokémon Articuno! As one of the original legendary trio, Articuno has been featured in the Kanto games since Pokémon and Blue. If you're a fan of the beautiful ice bird Pokémon, take a minute to pick up a code and join the list of fans!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the guestbook. Thanks for visiting!


Fanlisting last updated: 3 December 2024
Fans: 10 (+0 pending)
Newest fan(s): Killian
Listed at The Fanlistings Network and The Anime Fanlistings Network
Script used: Enthusiast

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Articuno © Nintendo & The Pokémon Company.
No infringement intended. Soul Dew is © Larissa, 2010-2024.