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Black/Black 2/White/White 2: Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm.

I haven’t played Black or White.

The idea of not playing a Pokémon game was unthinkable when I was a kid. It was Pokémon! How could I not play a Pokémon game! But, well... I wasn’t interested. My interest in Pokémon had completely faded at this point. I still had a fond nostalgia for the old games, but I couldn’t bring myself to care about the new entries. And apparently this new one had all new Pokémon until you beat the Elite Four? Yikes. Half of my fun was mixing old favorites with new Pokémon.

I did finally buy White and White 2 in 2015, but I haven’t gotten very far into the first game yet. Bulbapedia tells me that the only way to get a Magikarp is to buy one, naturally.

Miss! I have a deal for YOU! And for you alone. Here's your chance. I will sell you the secret Pokémon Magikarp... For an unbelievable ¥500! How about it? Interested?
(PLAYER bought the Magikarp for ¥500.)
Oh, yeah... Returns not accepted, got that?

I’m told there is a lot to enjoy about the fifth generation, and I’m sure once I do get around to playing it I’ll feel the same. Until then, it’s an odd hole in my Pokémon experience. Certainly it added a great deal to the gameplay (and gave me a lot to catch up on). I wonder how I’ll feel when I do play it.

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